Zambello Group: Super high torque series, corotating twin screw gearbox
Homerlee International Corp. has been acting the sole agent of Zambello Group since 24 years, promoting Zambello Gearboxes in Taiwan and China and Southeastern Asia countries.
Taiwan is always one of our paramount markets, for presenting the complete product series to Taipei PLAS2016,we are ready to show the exhibits followings,
1. TST 48/58-COR Super high torque series / corotating twin screw gearbox
2. ZT 43/52-COR-HT High torque series / corotating twin screw gearbox
4. MZPE2/200 MZPE2 series/ single screw gearbox
5. MNP3/160 MNP3 series / electrical injection molding machine gearbox
Company: Homerlee International Corp. –Zambello Asian Marketing Office
Phone: +886-7-558-7961
Fax: +886-7-558-7962
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